Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Legend Of Rizel

A young warrior and king by the name of Rizel Hardus a guardian of the great land of Geist. Lord of a blade and the most feared amongst any beast. Named craved in caves in blood, slashing through the barrier of any great legend. No figure has ever crossed his sword and lived to tell tale the next day except for one person so horrible and fowl. SAMAEL. His name strikes fear in lands, smoke and flames rise every time his feet wake on soil. He is the archangel, death on legs. Days begin to be prolonged waiting for SAMAEL to come again. Rizel sent out troops to find him but none found him. They sailed the oceans and failed to have any progress on his where abouts. Days, months, and years passed the search faded and once again the land seemed quite and Rizel and his grand army rested their heads comfortably.

The kingdom of Geist held a feast to celebrate the peace across the land. Wine, beer and a table full of all the food you can imagine.

" Your majesty It is a great day. We the Geistians are extremely happy the land's peace is finally restored".The man says continuing his way to the mountain of food in front of him as he swallows his beer.

"My lord do you think he will return?" Grim asked very worried.

"I wish I had the answer you were looking for." Rizel Whispers as another local approaches.

" Why so glum you should be celebrating. The intoxicated man says while raising his cup to the air. "Everyone cheers to the kings battle against SAMAEL finally coming to an end."

The crowd proceeds in a frenzy the army of Rizel's stomaches dropped knowing the SAMAEL wont stop till Geist is up in flames.But you may ask why SAMAEL and Rizel have such a rivalry. About years before Rizels father passed and he became king SAMAEL and his family lived in geist before their house went up in flames. The house was set on fire due to Rizel. He had been carrying a torn in the night with his father and the guards. why they were out their so late in the night seems as though they were committing an arson. SAMAEL had seen them that night and burned in the house. He lived and swore that he would return the pain and suffering his family and him endured to the whole kingdom.

That night as Rizel slept he awoke in the middle of the night to a letter on his mantle. Rizel had seen it and went over to pick it up. As he read he feared the worst for the days ahead. the letter read:

I am Still here i haven't left. I've just been behind the scenes. but don't hold you breath anymore i will make my final apperance and it will be as you say a grand day for blood.

As he placed the letter down he alerted The Guards and Grim. He went back to his room and sat in bed worried even more he knew that while he was gone he was planning something and if he could get so close that the whole kingdom wasn't safe and feared for the next day.

"Rizel! Wake Up We Have Trouble In The Arena". shoving him to a awaken state, Grim gathered the armor.

"Is it Samael?" He asks very Prepared.

"No my lord."

"Then why trouble my sleep if you are trained to take care of it?"

"Someone has challenged your blade my lord."

"Oh a glorious day for blood shed."

"Yes It Sure Is."

Rizel Suited up in the most finest of armors trimmed with a gold platted chest plate shined after every battle. Gold lion on the front of his shield and a sword graved with his chant of war. "With this stroke I paint the earth below."

Sun gleaming across the courtyard, dust kick up as he gracefully shuffles to the entrance. Soaking the glory of the crowd gathered inside the grand stadium.

"Grim the locals were alerted?" he asked making his last adjustments

"Of course they've paid good money to see you slay this man who doesn't know of your legend."

Grim says handing him his sword and helmet.As he approached the man he realized he wasn't the average challenger of the kingdom. He stood three or four feet over Rizel, Chest branded with cuts and bruises. one eye gone the other barely open, grinding his teeth stained with blood, placing his feet in the ground.

" Why no blade? Do you know of me? Maybe not-Rizel Hardus The slayer, the peace keeper, And a hand that is one with the blade." He says raising his blade at the mysterious figure

"Ugggghhhhhh!" He screams, charging at Rizel

He takes a step back as the man runs by, dust curls and again the figure emerges from the smoke this time from an angle clashing into the shield, grinding his teeth, and feet still pumping through the earth. Knocking Rizel off balance, He gains his feet now realizing the seriousness of the task at hand. Standing firmly he braces his shield and raises his sword eyes looking and searching. He charges this time he jumps into the glare of the sun above Rizel. Thrusting his fist downward upon his shield. Rizel driving the shield into his rib cage the beast chuckles a laugh and speaks in a deep voice as he falls back into a ackward stance.


"Never been More Ready"

They both run toward each other, A slash from the blade of Rizel carves through the beast. not fazing him he continues to run into Rizel grabbing him, then tossing him down to the ground. As he walks around the laying warrior he laughs then picking him up by his feet he begins to spin. Shield scattering across the arena, and the blade falling perfect in the ground. He tosses him down again and Rizel gets up, now disarmed and still pondering on the where abouts of his weapons. Finally he regains his composure and waits as the beast approaches.

" I have an announcement I am the apprentice of SAMAEL. I am not only here for your king but im here to KILL you all."

The crowed appalled and fearful breakout into a stampede to the exits. As Rizel's army gather in the arena. Rizel gets his weapons back. Just as they all get ready to strike the beast a loud uproar from the rear entrance just as they turn SAMAEL barges through the door.

"Starting without me." He chuckles at the end standing with several others.

They adjust them selves toward both sides. Rizel emerges from the army head held high looking inside SAMAEL'S eyes. Not a word was exchanged after he made his entrance. Many say they battled for weeks and months but it doesnt matter what legend says. All we know is that SAMAEL still walks the earth and Rizel Is no more.

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